Monday, 26 May 2008

bright and cheerful for the weekend.

Hi I am so tired this morn, I stayed up to watch the mars landing last night untill 2am, then the twins woke me at 6am. They are usually quite good though. If its the weekend they will ofteen let us sleep in untill 9 ish, but not this morning, they obcviously has some serious michief making to get done! I have managed to do the 2nd CJ. only 8 more! I really like these papers after working with them, wasnt so sure at first, but they are so bright, I dont usually work with bright colours, but I might start, so might get some more of these and do a (proper)! LO.
Have a nice BHol, weather is crap here today. Kids are off all week again, fun! w are off swimming and toThe Source the pony sanctuary (hopefully).

Friday, 16 May 2008

My first Cj.

My Friends and I have decided to do a circle journal. We all make a book and decorate a couple of pages, the cover and the signing in page. My theme was "things I wish I had known." I now wish I had known to pick another theme. Love the Basic grey 2 scoops.
Things are ok here, The twins are 2 next week, they are at "that stage." They love to pour milk all over the floor if you leave the kitchen for 2 minutes, so I am never letting them out of my sight again, they work together, although L is the ring leader and C is the brawn. Here is my part of the cj. I now have Gemmas to do, theme of "always look on the bright side of life" which I dont, so answers on a postcard....